Pool Villa Yagajishima


Luxury resort located on the secluded “Yagaji Island”


Yagaji Island, located in front of Kouri Island, is a hidden spot known only to those in the know where much nature remains. The location overlooks the calm “Hanechi Inland Sea” and the wilderness of Yanbaru. After passing through vast sugar cane fields, you will find a luxury resort with a private pool in every room.


Address: 218-14 Sumuide, Nago City, Okinawa 905-1635
Total number of rooms: 15
Parking: Up to 2 cars per building
Pets: Not allowed
Ancillary facilities: None

住所:〒905-1635 沖縄県名護市済井出218-14


Suite Pool Villa


The two bedrooms have a total of four semi-double beds. The two bedrooms have four semi-double beds, and together with the four sets of futons in the Japanese-style room, can accommodate up to eight people.


Capacity定 員
  • 115 sq.m.115 sq.m.
  • 広さ115㎡広さ115㎡
  • Capacity 1-8 personsCapacity 1-8 persons
  • 定員1〜8名定員1〜8名
  • Free WiFiFree WiFi
  • 無料WiFi無料WiFi
  • 4 semi double beds4 semi double beds
  • セミダブルベッド4台セミダブルベッド4台
  • 4 sets of mattress4 sets of mattress
  • 敷布団4組敷布団4組
  • Private PoolPrivate Pool
  • プライベートプールプライベートプール
  • Pool SidePool Side
  • Pool SidePool Side
  • Night ViewNight View
  • LivingLiving
  • Bed roomsBed rooms
  • プールサイドプールサイド
  • プールサイドプールサイド
  • 夜景夜景
  • リビングリビング
  • ベッドルームベッドルーム
See the drawing of this roomこのお部屋の図面を見る
View the facilities, equipment and amenities of this room.設備や備品、アメニティを見る

Facilities & Equipment

Cooking utensils / Complete set of tableware / Rice cooker / Microwave / Electric pot / Refrigerator / LCD TV / Washing machine / Drier / Hair dryer / Vacuum cleaner / Toilet with washing machine / Free WiFi in guest rooms


調理器具一式 / 食器類一式 / 炊飯器 / 電子レンジ / 電気ポット / 冷蔵庫 / 液晶テレビ / 洗濯機 / 乾燥機 / ドライヤー / 掃除機 / 洗浄機付きトイレ / 客室内無料WiFi

Other Items

Floats / Air purifier / Coffee maker


浮き輪 / 空気清浄機 / コーヒーメーカー


Shampoo / Conditioner / Body soap / Hand/face soap / Toothpaste set / Cotton set / Razor / Body towel / Dishwashing sponge / Chopping board / Dishwashing detergent / Laundry detergent

*Amenities are provided for the maximum number of guests and will not be added or exchanged for consecutive nights.


シャンプー / コンディショナー / ボディソープ / ハンド・フェイスソープ / 歯磨きセット / コットンセット / カミソリ / ボディタオル / 食器洗いスポンジ / まな板 / 食器洗い洗剤 / 洗濯洗剤



Bath towel / Face towel / Bath mat / Pool towel

*Linens will be provided for the maximum number of guests and will not be added or exchanged for consecutive nights.


バスタオル / フェイスタオル / バスマット / プールタオル


Suite Pool Villa with BBQ

スイートプールヴィラ with BBQ

The kitchen, living room, and Japanese-style room are all in one spacious area, with a liberating view of the pool. You can also enjoy BBQ by the pool. The two bedrooms have a total of four semi-double beds. Together with 4 sets of futons in the Japanese-style room, it can accommodate up to 8 people.


Capacity定 員
  • 115 sq.m.115 sq.m.
  • 広さ115㎡広さ115㎡
  • Capacity 1-8 personsCapacity 1-8 persons
  • 定員1〜8名定員1〜8名
  • Free WiFiFree WiFi
  • 無料WiFi無料WiFi
  • 4 semi double beds4 semi double beds
  • セミダブルベッド4台セミダブルベッド4台
  • 4 sets of mattress4 sets of mattress
  • 敷布団4組敷布団4組
  • infinity poolinfinity pool
  • インフィニティプールインフィニティプール
  • Pool SidePool Side
  • Pool SidePool Side
  • Night ViewNight View
  • LivingLiving
  • Bed roomsBed rooms
  • プールサイドプールサイド
  • プールサイドプールサイド
  • 夜景夜景
  • リビングリビング
  • ベッドルームベッドルーム
See the drawing of this roomこのお部屋の図面を見る
View the facilities, equipment and amenities of this room.設備や備品、アメニティを見る

Facilities & Equipment

Cooking utensils / Complete set of tableware / Rice cooker / Microwave / Electric pot / Refrigerator / LCD TV / Washing machine / Drier / Hair dryer / Vacuum cleaner / Toilet with washing machine / Free WiFi in guest rooms


調理器具一式 / 食器類一式 / 炊飯器 / 電子レンジ / 電気ポット / 冷蔵庫 / 液晶テレビ / 洗濯機 / 乾燥機 / ドライヤー / 掃除機 / 洗浄機付きトイレ / 客室内無料WiFi

Other Items

Floats / Air purifier / Coffee maker


浮き輪 / 空気清浄機 / コーヒーメーカー


Shampoo / Conditioner / Body soap / Hand/face soap / Toothpaste set / Cotton set / Razor / Body towel / Dishwashing sponge / Chopping board / Dishwashing detergent / Laundry detergent

*Amenities are provided for the maximum number of guests and will not be added or exchanged for consecutive nights.


シャンプー / コンディショナー / ボディソープ / ハンド・フェイスソープ / 歯磨きセット / コットンセット / カミソリ / ボディタオル / 食器洗いスポンジ / まな板 / 食器洗い洗剤 / 洗濯洗剤



Bath towel / Face towel / Bath mat / Pool towel

*Linens will be provided for the maximum number of guests and will not be added or exchanged for consecutive nights.


バスタオル / フェイスタオル / バスマット / プールタオル


Suite Pool Villa ANNEX

スイートプールヴィラ ANNEX

Spacious indoor and poolside. Lots of greenery and serenity. The two bedrooms have a total of four semi-double beds. Together with 4 sets of futons in the Japanese-style room, it can accommodate up to 8 people.

広々とした室内とプールサイド。緑も多く落ち着きのある空間が魅力。 2つのベッドルームには、セミダブルベッドが計4台。和室の布団4組を合わせ、最大8名様まで宿泊可能です。

Capacity定 員
  • 115 sq.m.115 sq.m.
  • 広さ115㎡広さ115㎡
  • Capacity 1-8 personsCapacity 1-8 persons
  • 定員1〜8名定員1〜8名
  • Free WiFiFree WiFi
  • 無料WiFi無料WiFi
  • 4 semi double beds4 semi double beds
  • セミダブルベッド4台セミダブルベッド4台
  • 4 sets of mattress4 sets of mattress
  • 敷布団4組敷布団4組
  • Private PoolPrivate Pool
  • プライベートプールプライベートプール
  • Pool SidePool Side
  • Pool SidePool Side
  • Night ViewNight View
  • LivingLiving
  • Bed roomsBed rooms
  • プールサイドプールサイド
  • プールサイドプールサイド
  • 夜景夜景
  • リビングリビング
  • ベッドルームベッドルーム
See the drawing of this roomこのお部屋の図面を見る
View the facilities, equipment and amenities of this room.設備や備品、アメニティを見る

Facilities & Equipment

Cooking utensils / Complete set of tableware / Rice cooker / Microwave / Electric pot / Refrigerator / LCD TV / Washing machine / Drier / Hair dryer / Vacuum cleaner / Toilet with washing machine / Free WiFi in guest rooms


調理器具一式 / 食器類一式 / 炊飯器 / 電子レンジ / 電気ポット / 冷蔵庫 / 液晶テレビ / 洗濯機 / 乾燥機 / ドライヤー / 掃除機 / 洗浄機付きトイレ / 客室内無料WiFi

Other Items

Floats / Air purifier / Coffee maker


浮き輪 / 空気清浄機 / コーヒーメーカー


Shampoo / Conditioner / Body soap / Hand/face soap / Toothpaste set / Cotton set / Razor / Body towel / Dishwashing sponge / Chopping board / Dishwashing detergent / Laundry detergent

*Amenities are provided for the maximum number of guests and will not be added or exchanged for consecutive nights.


シャンプー / コンディショナー / ボディソープ / ハンド・フェイスソープ / 歯磨きセット / コットンセット / カミソリ / ボディタオル / 食器洗いスポンジ / まな板 / 食器洗い洗剤 / 洗濯洗剤



Bath towel / Face towel / Bath mat / Pool towel

*Linens will be provided for the maximum number of guests and will not be added or exchanged for consecutive nights.


バスタオル / フェイスタオル / バスマット / プールタオル




  • Churaumi Aquarium


    The aquarium is famous for its giant whale sharks swimming in one of the world’s largest tanks, which can be reached in 10 minutes by car.


  • Kouri Bridge


    This is a remote island bridge with a total length of 1,960 meters connecting the northern part of the main island and Kouri Island. The emerald green sea stretches out on both sides of the bridge, which seems to float on the sea, making it a superb driving course.


  • Kouri Island


    A remote island accessible by car from the main island of Okinawa, this small island is surrounded by emerald green waters. The natural beach is home to the Heart Rock, a famous power spot.


  • World Heritage Site Ruins of Nakijin Castle

    世界遺産 今帰仁城跡

    This historic gusuku is a World Heritage Site. Surrounded by solid walls and situated at an altitude of about 100 metres, it was a key castle protecting the Yanbaru region.


  • A row of fukugi trees in Bise


    The power spots along the Bise coastline are a 10-minute drive away. The 1km tree-lined avenue, which gives a sense of the original landscape of Okinawa, can be enjoyed not only by strolling, but also by renting a bicycle or a buffalo cart.


  • Minna Island


    A small crescent-shaped remote island that can be easily reached by a 15-minute ferry ride from Tokuchi Port on the main island of Okinawa. Enjoy marine sports in the beautiful ocean surrounded by coral reefs.
